Sunday, April 21, 2013

Laundry Room Redo

So, since the last time I posted, I have been a busy little bee! (Which is my excuse for not posting!) We decided to sell the pedestals that we purchased with out washer and dryer so we could stack them to save space in our itty bitty laundry closet. 

The issue with the pedestals was the fact that we couldn't store anything in them! Our laundry closet is so small, the pedestal drawers would hit the door frame when they were opened about 2 inches, which made storing anything in them impossible. So, we figured if we stacked the washer and dryer, we could put a cabinet in our laundry closet, a shorter shelf, some storage baskets, and heaven!

I didn't take a before picture...but lets just say that the laundry area has been my secret shame for a while. It was pretty gross.

Here is a photo diary of how this re-do went down!

Step One: Funky Paint! We went with the bottom one, honey dew

Step Two: Get rid of the *nasty* sheet of fake wood flooring

Step Three: Stack the washer and dryer!

Step Four: Refrain from using lots of four letter words when everything goes wrong

I don't have a picture of myself beating my head into the wall, so I will just tell the tale. We got the washer and dryer stacked, and realized that the dryer cord and the aluminum coil vent thingy (you like how techincal I'm becoming?!) were both too short. So, I had to leave my washer/dryer sitting like this all day until Dave got home from work with my cord and coil. Ok, that's handled, let's get this bad boy in the closet! Well, after an hour of snapping at each other and using all our strength to move that beast just a liiiiiiittle more so we could shut the closet doors, we finally had it in there! But...

The water wasn't turned on. Ha! (Note: When this happened in real life, there was no ha...but I did almost ugly cry...)

Scoot it back out, mess up the floor tiles doing so, fix the tiles, turn on the water, scoot it back in....VICTORY!

Aren't those cords and hoses PRETTY! Yeah I know, but I got that covered...we'll hide them!

Step Five: Make things pretty in there!

I bought a $35 closetmaid cabinet at Tar-jay, threw that together in like 30 minutes, and put it in the closet. I also picked up a couple of cute bins while I was at Target, and I found a couple cute wicker baskets at Good Will! The shelf is from Lowe's and I covered it with pretty blue Contact paper. Yay! It's done!

And that, my dears, is how you pretty up a laundry closet. Total cost:

Stacking Kit for washer/dryer: $25
New electrical cord: $7 (with hubby's discount)
Dryer vent thingy (lol): $10 (with hubby's discount)
Paint: $10
Floor tiles: $10
Metal piece that bridges hall flooring with laundry closet flooring: $8
Shelf: $10
Cabinet: $35
Baskets: $20

Grand total: $135

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